and the long late nights at work, Sunday lunches, afternoon teas and shopping jaunts with girlfriends, and foodie nights out with the Hubby seemes very much part of a past life. The past 3 months have been a road of discovery, at times paved with tears and frustration as I learnt the ropes of motherhood, but more often than not, with tremendous joy and wonderment over you, the little being your Daddy and I created.
3 months ago on 14 March 2011, I cradled you in my arms and couldn't quite believe that I had become a mother.
Holding you minutes after 2:07pm, your birth time |
3 months on, I can't imagine not having you in my life.
How you've grown Baby M! |
The first month with you passed pretty much in a haze. Thankfully though, you were a relatively easy baby then, sleeping lots and wailing not at all that much.
2 weeks old and asleep in your rocker |
Even awake, you were such a smiley happy baby and you still are - you must have Daddy's sunny disposition!
14 days old |
And you loved your bath time very much, and which has quickly become one of our favourite times of the day.
Food-wise, you caught on quickly to breastfeeding, and had no problems switching between the bottle and the breast by the end of the first month. You amazed me one day with your seemingly insatiable appetite, when you guzzled down 150ml during the night bottlefeed. Sadly, that must have been a one-off instance since it was never repeated (or else Mommy was halucinating during the feed that night).
Your quizzical expression and the oversized bottle had me laughing! |
Outings were also a breeze since you sleep quietly through and allowed Mommy and Daddy peace and quiet to enjoy lunch. You even slept through your first month party, probably because you were snugly cradled in nanny's or Mommy's arms!
Sleeping through your first month party! |
Then came the second month, and that's when Daddy dubbed you the Decepticon! I guess you came out of your sleepy phase and with the increasing periods of wakefulness, we got to know you a little better and realised which characteristics of Mommy and Daddy you had taken on. Strong-willed (or stubborn :)), determined and impatient (Mommy's), sunny disposition, inquisitiveness and mischievious (Daddy's) were some of the catchphrases used to describe you.
Up to no good? |
We realise now that you don't do well if you're (a) kept waiting longer than 10 minutes for your milk, so much so that we now warm up your bottle 15 minutes before your next scheduled feed to avoid mini meltdowns and hunger strikes (b) sleepy and want to sleep but can't (c) hot and bothered - in which case, standing with you under the airconditioner works wonders in smoothing away the pouts and grumbles.
Sleep it seems is where we trip up quite a fair bit until we stumble onto the position you love best to be rocked to sleep.
Sleep it seems is where we trip up quite a fair bit until we stumble onto the position you love best to be rocked to sleep.
Being rocked to sleep on a cushion |
You, like Daddy, enjoy being sociable and look forward to outings with your favourite people. You sit quietly (most of the time) in your stroller and car seat and love looking at your surroundings when we're out for dinners, lunches, walks, errands or shopping. You also seem to sense what Mommy does for a living when we go back one day for a visit, and make nary a peep in the hushed confines of Mommy's office!
Food by now intrigues you hugely - you're now not content to stay quietly in your room while Mommy and Daddy have their dinner, and insist loudly on joining us every evening before your bedtime. At bedtime most nights, you enjoy being read to, and love the book "Giraffes Can't Dance" and Paddington Bear stories.
One thing for sure was that you were, and still are, Daddy's little girl. You reserve special smiles and gurgles for Daddy, whom you see only for short moments every day due to his busy schedule, and rarely if ever tantrum at him (nope, you save that for Mommy!).
You and Daddy spending time together |
Daddy knows just how to make you laugh and smile and you love it best when Daddy dances for you.
Daddy dancing to Beyonce |
In the last few weeks, you surprise me with how much you accomplish and how fast you do so. One day, you last just a couple of minutes on your tummy. A few days later, you happily babble to your toys during tummy time, and then astonish me by deciding to roll over!
Ooopsies! |
Another day while playing "Horsey" with Aunty Tina, we're both thrilled when you let out your first real laugh (and many of them). I was so lucky to get it on video for your Daddy who missed it the first time round. Since then, you've gone back to quiet chuckling but I'm sure when you've had a whole series of your favourite games, that laugh will break itself out again.
Laughing out loud while playing Horsey |
Your first 3 months have been such a wild adventure and we're looking forward to many more memories and good times with you Baby M!
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