Thursday, 30 June 2011

100 plus days and counting....

Baby M passed the 100th day milestone a week or so ago. I've been meaning to post an update on her latest achievements right about then, but had too many things to do in the midst of getting her on a schedule and me mentally (and physically) ready to go back to work. So this update come a little late, but that also means there's more news too! Here's a quick list of what's new.....

1. Baby M now sleeps a longer stretch and gifted me the best gift on her 100th night - a close to full night's sleep when she went for a 6 hour stretch without waking from 10pm to 4am. And even so, it was a business-like 10 minute feeding affair at 4am, with a quick diaper change, which meant that I could sleepwalk through the whole process and be asleep properly by 430am! Bliss is when mommy has had a full night's sleep.....

Since then, Baby M has been sleeping consistently at least a 5 hour stretch once a night, waking only once to feed. This translates to a better functioning mommy, who's quite relieved that this change comes just before work resumes for real next week.

Baby M still needs help getting to sleep in the daytime as you can see!

2. Baby M has started showing her preference for certain folks, and only deigns to smile at others outside of this circle if she feels like it. In no particular order (since it varies depending on her mood from day to day and what she needs us for) is Mommy, Daddy and our helper, Tina. I do think however that I have a slight edge =). Witness one episode a couple of nights ago when we had a dinner party at my parents. After putting M to sleep in my grandma's room, I merrily thought I could sit down for a good tucker. 15 minutes later and midway through my prata, I hear loud screams (that penetrated through 2 doors!) and saw her wide awake with a terrified look on her face as my grandma carried her. She calmed down once I took over and cuddled her, and later found out from my grandma that she woke up, looked around the room and saw my grandma, looked even more frantically for someone more familiar and started crying loudly. This happened twice more that evening. Seems like my little girl has a distinct preference for just one person to put her to sleep....

3. Baby M sits up very well by now, and can independently hold up her head and back. So this means a short stretch in her Bumbo chair every day which amuses her much better than the 45' rocker chair! She also spends more time on her tummy, and is starting to scoot forward if she's able to find my hands / legs to push off from. She's also started rolling from her front to her back!

Rather bemused that she can now sit upright!

4. This also means that toys and books are really starting to hold her interest, and for longer spells now. Placing her favourite centipede toy a short distance away is incentive enough for her to try hard to scoot forward!

Eye balling Mr Centipede
5. I now have a noisy chatterbox at home, who loves babbling when she sees me or the Hubby. She's happiest when she's had lots to eat, and a good nap - that's when Baby M breaks out the smiles in abundance. My best present though happened about 3 weeks ago when she laughed out loud for the first time, sending me scrambling for the camcorder to record it for the Hubby!

Baby M seconds after laughing out loud

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